About Pete Harris
Lighthouse is led by Pete Harris who has amassed 40+ years of business and technology experience as a strategist, product architect, storyteller, and community builder.
Pete has worked extensively in the financial markets, healthcare, and supply chain spaces. Employers and consulting clients include: The London Stock Exchange, The Financial Times, Citi, SAP, KX, ConsenSys Health, Securrency, Fidessa, Knight-Ridder Unicom, Random Walk Computing, Volante Technology, Waters Information Services, A-Team Group.
During his career, Pete has developed a diverse (and possibly unique) knowledge base and skill set, including:
* A solid understanding of many cutting-edge technologies, such as distributed real-time computing, low-latency networks and applications, hardware acceleration techniques, big fast data platforms, High-Performance Computing, hybrid cloud, blockchain/DLT, privacy-preserving cryptography, Federated AI, and decentralized data.
* Extensive experience as a software developer, systems architect, project manager, product designer, and technology consultant.
* Many years spent as a technology journalist, market researcher, business strategist, book author, blogger, publisher, and communications manager.
Pete is a regular speaker at major IT conferences, such as SXSW (for whom he also serves as an Advisory Board member), Hyperledger Global Forum and several supply chain technology events.
As well as a conference speaker, Pete has also produced more than 40 B2B technology events in New York City, Austin, TX, Boston, San Francisco, and London on topics related to FinTech, HealthTech and blockchain technology.
While living in Austin, Pete was a guest lecturer at UT Austin, where he presented to classes and symposia focused on FinTech and supply chain management.
Also while in Austin, he co-founded the award-winning Austin Blockchain Collective with a mission to establish the city as a recognized center of excellence for the technology. The Collective, which grew to 120 corporate members, partnered with several City of Austin departments, and also with UT’s Dell Medical School with which it formed a working group to explore blockchain’s use in healthcare.